Saturday, October 31, 2009

My mind is like a potato with too many eyes

by jimmi malarky

My mind is like a potato with too many eyes.
Like a college girl
Who’s known too many guys…
Or the lazy, friendly slob
Who’s had job after job
And settles for a life
Of cooking fries…
Food service, frozen dinners
Almost anesthetized;
To serve the tranquil, numb, and nervous
Who stuff their faces,
escape uneasy fears
Forget their lives and lies…
And drown themselves
In diet cokes and pies…

Fast food is a pleasure
Which by any measure
Never measures up
To what is advertised
Or what is super-sized
Until one’s waist
To one’s surprise
Bulges over undisguised
Like a graveyard retaining wall
With an occasional escaping foot
Or arm or leg
Oozing through the soil
Like scrambled egg;
Causing us to inquire
(A bit self-conscious
About our extra tire)
Whether eating like a pig
Has made our asses look too big?
Or, in effect,
Lessens love’s desire;
Expecting fully to be told
“It really doesn’t matter”
From one’s loving liar.

Yes, my mind is like a potato with too many eyes.
Like a picnic in the park
Staged amid too many flies.
Like a fast food chicken take-out
With too many breasts and legs and thighs.

Creative Commons License
My mind is like a potato with too many eyes by jimmi malarky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
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